Highball in the Mall – Cars & Coffee
It’s Back! Highball in the Mall. Cars & Coffee.
Sunday 30 July – 8am – 1pm
Get your machines ready and step back in time at one of the coolest car parks in the Valley… we mean Heidelberg West.
Built around 1956, The Bell St Mall was the first American style mall in Australia! That’s inspired our American Graffiti theme for the latest Cars & Coffee gathering on 30 July.
Featured preselected cars inside the plaza will be from a time when The Bell Street Mall was built in the 1950s and 60s.
All other cars just turn up in your cool magool pride and joy; no matter what make or era. There’s more than enough parking so please bring your cool, unique or quirky car, motorbike, bus, truck (of any era) and simply find a spot to park. There will be a few hi-vis vest volunteers around who can direct you. There will also be paid security guards patrolling.
Car related vendors will be set up inside the Mall and the surrounding car parks so bring some cash and cards to take advantage of some great deals.
The mall will be open for coffee, food and other things like haircuts and chemist prescriptions.
Charity partner Banyule Support and Information Centre Inc. BANSIC will be running a raffle and sausage sizzle to raise money for the essential services they provide the local community. Some great prizes have been donated towards the raffle!
Plenty of food and coffee will be available as will toilets and rubbish bins.
The event will run from 8am to 1pm so please feel free to come and go at your own leisure through the many carpark entrances that surround the venue.
More announcements on vendors and sponsors to come so stay tuned!
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